Bio Meridian


  • You can find organs that are under stress before they spiral into more severe issues.
  • It can help you balance the body so that the organs have the right power to function properly.
  • It can help you take the guess work out of which nutritional supplement you need to take.
  • It can reveal information about the state of your health when other forms of analysis don’t seem to reveal issues.
  • It doesn’t hurt, it is fast with immediate feed back.
  • It is non-invasive.
  • It is inexpensive

Acupuncture pathways have been well documented in peer reviewed scientific journals.  (The days of the medical community dismissing acupuncture as voodoo are long over.)  Scientists and research labs have injected radioactive isotopes into body’s along acupuncture pathways and then traced the acupuncture meridian by x-ray to validate their existence.

Every major organ system has a dedicated acupuncture pathway that runs through it.  There is a meridian for the heart, kidney, bladder, gall bladder, liver stomach, spleen, lung, large and small intestines.  (picture)  Each acupuncture meridian has a certain amount of electricity or energy that runs through it supplying the designated organ with power.

    The MSA is basically and ohm meter that measures the amount of current running through the pathway.  The    patient undergoes a brief test that take about twenty minutes.  During that time, measurements of the acupuncture pathways are taken on the hands and feet where the acupuncture pathways rise to the surface of the skin. It is PAINLESS and NO NEEDLES are used.
    If there is too much resistance of current in the pathway, the result is an organ in stress and inflammation. If one organ is stressed, it will have secondary effects on other organ systems as they are all intertwined in function.  On the other hand, if the meridian meridian or electrical pathway to an organ is weak, the organ function will be weaker.  The weaker the tissue, the more prone to dis-ease and disease. These effects of organ stress or weakness may not initially show in “traditional” lab analysis or imaging procedures. We like to use the analogy that having a MSA (meridian stress assessment) is like hearing thunder long before the storm arrives.
    After the test, you will immediately see the printout of the test.  No waiting for three weeks for a phone call from the doctor that doesn’t ever seem to come. (See the inset for an example of the test printout.) Once the organ pathways have been measured, we can use a form of electrical biofeedback to determine immediately which herbs, vitamins, minerals, or homeopathic remedies will bring the out of balance acupuncture pathway back to normal.  After about a month, we suggest a follow-up to make sure you are making the progress you want. We will not send you home with twelve bottles of stuff to take.  Typically, we find we can get an enormous amount of change with just a few products.
    After a few weeks, you should start to notice an overall improvement of your health, be it a reduction in the intensity or frequency of symptoms, or more vitality and a sense of improvement over all.  You should not expect a change within five minutes.  Remember, you are using nutrients , herbs, or homeopathic remedies (natural chemistry) to bring about electrical changes in the body that will change body function.  As function improves, symptoms improve.

Click here for a brief video on the MSA: