Antibiotics Have Long-Term Impacts on Gut Flora
ScienceDaily (Nov. 1, 2010) — Short courses of antibiotics can leave normal gut bacteria harbouring antibiotic resistance genes for up to two years after treatment, say scientists writing in the latest issue of Microbiology, published Nov. 3.

This is a scary scenario given so many antibiotics are distributed to kids and adults alike. When the antibiotics destroy the gut flora, digestion will be impaired. The poor breakdown of the food results in gas and bloating in the gut which are similar symptoms associated with food sensitivities. Re-loading the gut with flora will help repair the damage done by the antibiotic. If the symptoms continue, the going through a course of care with the BAX Aura or 3000 may help. If intestinal flora issues aren’t resolved they can mimic food allergy symptoms like IBS, Celiac, colitis, and gluten sensitivities. Schedule today for relief tomorrow for intestinal sensitivities and allergy symptoms.